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Training Courses for Interpreters – all languages welcome!

Edward Kieszkiewicz – Exhibition of Paintings 21 Jan – 1 Feb 2014

Training Courses for Interpreters

We offer a varied range of training modules for interpreters.

In broad terms we provide two types of interpreter training:

  • Introduction to… – Series of Overview Presentations  
  • Interpreting skills training sessions


Our training modules include:

Introduction to working as a Public Service Interpreter in the UK

Community Languages in the UK
Qualifications required
Which course to start with
Starting Work – what to expect
Advanced Courses and Career Progression
Working for yourself
Charging Structure
Public Service Interpreting 2011 – a profession at a crossroads?

Introduction to interpreting for the Police and Courts in the UK

Making sense of CJS, MPS and all that
Interpreting for the Police – current entry requirements
Interpreters in the Police Investigation Process
Police Station Interview
Interpreting at court
CJS Interpreting Glossary

Professional Interpreter – what does it mean

Golden rules: impartiality and confidentiality
Professional Conduct
Resisting the urge to ‘enhance’ and ‘add value’ during interpreting
What not to do as a professional interpreter

Introduction to Telephone Interpreting

Types of assignments
Interpreting for HMRC, DWP, NHS

Note-taking for Interpreters

Common note-taking methods and techniques
How to make the note taking system work for you
Note-taking practice

Simultaneous Interpreting skills

Simultaneous interpreting is seen by many professionals as the most challenging type of interpreting.

This course has been designed to help public service interpreters to improve their simultaneous interpreting skills.
It includes practical sessions using real life materials and likely scenarios as well as a short overview of simultaneous interpreting theory.

Introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting
Split attention exercises
Units of meaning and meaning assembly in simultaneous interpreting
Coping strategies

Glossary building for interpreters working in the legal field

Glossary building fundamentals
Terms to include
How to organise your glossary
Categories and subcategories

MET Test Revision Courses  

Details here: Ania’s Poland Metropolitan Police Test Revision