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About Ania's Poland

Who we are, what we do, and why

Ania’s Poland origins go back to Ania Heasley’s personal website set up in the late 1990s, when websites saying Hi, my name is Ania, welcome to my website, were all the rage. The initial goal was to introduce Poland to British online audiences in an informal way.  The original content, Visit Poland, is still here.

Fast forward a few years, Poland joined the EU on the 1st of May 2004, and the rest is history. The level of interest in our website and requests for recruitment services went through the roof almost overnight, exceeding all expectations. We decided to turn our knowledge of everything Polish into commercial use. We have never looked back. Ok, not entirely true. We did look back, sideways and forward several times over the years, so our website and the range of services we offer could accurately reflect the ever changing face of Polish immigrant community in the UK, their deepening integration and diversity.

Our main focus remains recruitment. However, Ania’s Poland offers a range of other professional services, from translating and interpreting to organising tailor made holidays in Poland. Please see the appropriate sections of our site for details.

Whether you are looking for a Polish folk band to play at your wedding, or would like help with marketing your new product to the Polish community in your area, or nationwide, please contact us and we will do our best to assist you.

We are always looking for news about community events and other information that might be relevant to Polish communities across the UK. If you know about any community-based initiative or program that might be beneficial to Polish speakers in your area, please drop us an email and we will be happy to add such information to our website.

Contact us

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